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Potatoes at Retail

Maximize sales of potatoes

Potatoes at Retail

America’s favorite vegetable is important for both consumers and retailers in the grocery space. As a vegetable that offers consistent sales throughout the year, potatoes are also versatile in any cuisine for consumers. Whether consumers shop online or in-store, Potatoes are the number one volume-driven vegetable at retail.  Learn how to maximize potato categories throughout the store and online to increase long-term sales. For the latest retailer training videos, click here.

Merchandising Best Practices

Fresh Potato Merchandising Best Practices Guide.

This helpful guide focuses on the following three key areas in order to increase fresh potato sales: assortment, displays, and promotions.



Potato Retail Toolkit

Guide to educate retailers on storage, handling, nutrition, and cooking methods of the various kinds of potatoes.


Promotions Guide

Connect with potato shoppers year-round.


The Power of the Potato

Explore how potatoes affect the shopping cart.


Potatoes from Soil to Shelf

Learn how potatoes come from the ground to the grocery store in this entertaining and educational video series that features proper storage and handling, information about the different types of potatoespotato nutrition and merchandising best practices.



From fresh to frozen to instant, learn about the different types of potatoes available in grocery stores and how to use them.


Spud Sellers Newsletter

Sign up for Spud Sellers. A custom retail newsletter filled with resources to help you connect with potato consumers in-store and online.

Sign Up

What's in those spuds?

Let’s find out! Did you know that potatoes provide the carbohydrate, potassium, and energy you need to perform at your best? Potatoes are more energy-packed than any other popular vegetable.


We can help!

Interested in learning more about how to increase potato sales at retail? Whether your consumers shop online or in-store, we’re here to support you.

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