美國馬鈴薯(Potatoes USA)免責聲明
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請注意: 您已點選連結至由第三方維護之網站,並即將離開美國馬鈴薯(Potatoes USA)網站。 此外部連結為第三方網站或公司或組織所有,不該被視為美國馬鈴薯(Potatoes USA)對連結之內容背書,美國馬鈴薯(Potatoes USA)對連結網站內容的正確性或性質概不負責。
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Any potatoes can be used for potato salad. For potatoes that will retain their shape and texture, choose potatoes with lower starch content such as reds, yellows, and whites. However, russets, blues, and purples can also be used; even fingerling potatoes and petite potatoes can make a great potato salad.